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Events archive

The archive page shows all the events including those that have already occurred, those that are displayed on the events landing page, and those that are not displayed on the events landing page because they exceed the number of allowed events for the landing page.

All events

Welcome to our website

This is a placeholder event to introduce the new CNLD website.

Knowbility Air 2022: Final Countdown

This is the deadline for the final website submission for the Knowbility Air 2022 competition.

"The Accessibility Internet Rally (AIR) is a global web accessibility awareness program. Started by Knowbility in 1998 as a local hackathon in Austin, Texas, the program has evolved into a pioneering teaching and learning competition that puts accessibility and digital inclusion front and center — where it belongs." -- Knowbility Air

Knowbility Air 2022: Judging Results Due

This is the deadline for the judges in the Knowbility Air competition to submit their judgment of the websites submitted.

Knowbility Air 2022: Awards Ceremony

This is the day that all teams will attend a ceremony at which Knowbility Air awards the 2022 competition winners.


"How, stolen," I asked in wonder, "since you have it now?"

"Because I get it back from the worthless wretch who stole it, from the woman who robbed the dead and the living. Her punishment will surely come, but not through me; she knew not altogether what she did and thus unknowing, she only stole. Now we must wait."

He went away on the word, leaving me with a new mystery to think of, a new puzzle to grapple with.

The forenoon was a dreary time, but at noon the solicitor came: Mr. Marquand, of Wholeman, Sons, Marquand & Lidderdale. He was very genial and very appreciative of what we had done, and took off our hands all cares as to details.